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  • Donate Jetski – Charity Jet Ski Donation

    You've made the best decision, deciding to donate your jet ski here! A Jet Ski donation maximizes your donation without cost to you, while reaping valuable financial benefits for you that can actually put money back in your pocket! How so? As a qualified nonprofit charity we can give you a receipt that you can use to take a fair market value tax deduction which lowers the amount you owe Uncle Sam! With us, you can trust your waverunner donation to be utilized to the fullest extent possible!

    Donate Jet Ski Jet Ski Tax Deduction Jetski Donation


    Please Provide your Jetski Donation Details and Contact Information

    Thank you for Your Jetski Donation!

PWC Donation – Donate Jet ski

When you donate jet skis, cars, or any type of vehicle with our charity jet ski donation, you help enormously; hard to believe such a simple process can help so many so quickly (just 3 days to complete, free towing is available), but it happens all the time! When you donate, jet ski/vehicle donations gain needed funding to support medical research, private individuals, community groups, and more. Better still, we get to reward you with a needed tax deduction!

We Help Non-Profit Charities

We know the difficulties nonprofits face, and we'd like to help. If fundraising is a problem, partner with us! We'll utilize the best of all our efforts to get you the funds you need. How? Simple. You accept donations (Jet Ski donations, cars, vehicles) however you can—through a website, etcetera—and we take over the processing. Our status as a nonprofit lets us give tax benefits back to your donors, and we save you the paperwork & filing headaches.
Charity Partner Program

Ask Here If You Need Help

Everyone needs help at some time. If your time is now, please contact us and see if we can add you to our list of people we've helped. Our donors and our God place trust in us to do well by others. This is our sole purpose for collecting jet ski/vehicle donations, and we are deeply committed to living up to our promise. Let us evaluate your case and your need by filling out the help request form now.
 "I Need Help Form".